Andy Phelps


Andrew Phelps is the director of game design and development at the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, New York. He is the founding faculty member of the Masters of Science in game design and development within the B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences, as well as the Bachelors of the same name (, and his work in games programming education has been featured in The New York Times,, USA Today, National Public Radio, IEEE Computer, and several other articles and periodicals. He regularly publishes work exploring collaborative game engines and game engine technology, and reviews for Games & Culture, Microsoft Academic Days for Gaming, and Futureplay among others. He maintains a website featuring his work as an educator, artist, programmer, and game addict at and currently teaches courses in multimedia programming, game engine development, and game production. He also serves as the director of creative vision at a company he co-founded, Ratatoskr Entertainment, Inc. When none of this keeps him entertained, he enjoys a deep seated love of bad science fiction.

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