GLS Conference Teacher Scholarships Web Contest

Come to GLS 3.0 for free!

This year at GLS we are working to make teachers and school leaders an even more important part of the conversation. That is why, with the generous help of the PK-16 Initiative and UW System we are offering 60 scholarships for PreK-16 educators to attend covering conference admission, as well as two nights� room and board. All we ask in return is that you participate in the event, form connections with the game designers, academics, and other game luminaries who will be in attendance, and then keep in touch after the conference to let us know what actually works in your schools and classrooms.

PI34 Opportunity for Wisconsin Teachers and Professional Development Credits

If you are a Wisconsin teacher looking to renew your professional licensure, we are working with the PK-16 Initiative to help you utilize GLS as an opportunity to fulfill your requirements for PI34. Additionally, if you are a teacher or administrator working in any other state, we are happy to work with your district to satisfy all of the official requirements for you to accrue credit through attendance and participation at GLS.

Teachers Lounge

In addition to providing all educator attendees with a list of recommended sessions, and our Teachers Arcade session to help you orient to the conference, this year for the first time at GLS we, are providing a dedicated location for you to play around with some of the new materials, network with each other and games professionals, or just catch your breath. Our Teachers Lounge will be designed with the educator's comfort in mind, and arrayed with tools and materials to help you optimize your experience at the conference.

Contact Us at: [email protected].